
Here you can find products and research tools developed by the members of the van der Ham Lab.

Leiden Navigatie Test

We have constructed a comprehensive tool to assess navigation performance with standardized norms. This tool consists of both the Wayfinding Questionnaire (see also below) and our objective test of navigation ability. The Leiden Navigatie Test provides a downloadable pdf with raw and standardized scores, based on age, gender and education level of the participants (currently available in Dutch).

The Leiden Navigatie Test can be found here.

The objective test of navigation ability can be accessed here. The separate materials (video, images, instructions, scoring manual, normative data, including a parallel version to accommodate for repeated testing, in English and Dutch) are also available at no cost, please send us a message, we are happy to share this with you.

Wayfinding Questionnaire

The Wayfinding Questionnaire has been developed to assess navigation impairments. The questionnaire consists of 22 items divided of 3 subscales: Navigation & Orientation, Distance Estimation and Spatial Anxiety.

Below you will find the English and Dutch version of the questionnaire and the scoring document. In the near future, the scoring procedure will be updated based on the results of a large sample, allowing us to correct for gender and age.

We have developed a serious game aimed at training navigation abilities. This training has been successful in a sample of healthy, young participants. We are currently examining whether the training is effective in a population of navigation impaired patients with acquired brain injuries.

In the video below, you can view a sample of the navigation training application which was used in a study with healthy subjects.